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Automate with DLX: Data Workflow Orchestrations

Put your time in the lab towards real science, not manual data preparation and collation tasks. Scitara DLX offers orchestration tools that enable labs to set up automated and scalable workflows with little to no coding necessary.

Easy-to-Build Orchestrations
Build orchestrations with an intuitive user interface that leverages our no-code/low-code, drag-and-drop editor.

Automation Flexibility
Easily modify and share orchestrations to match workflows that change over time.

Comprehensive Automation
Orchestrate multidirectional, multithreaded data pathways to streamline everything, even your most complex workflows.

Lab of the Future: Leverage an iPaaS to Accelerate Transformation

In the ever-evolving scientific landscape, laboratories are undergoing a digital revolution to meet the demands of the modern scientific enterprise. The Lab of the Future integrates digital technologies, automation, data-driven decision-making, and iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) to boost efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

Read the Blog

Take a look at the DLX platform for yourself to see how easy it is to bring your lab into the future.